(Ladies of all Ages Friendly Fellowship)

We are a group of ladies from the village who get together regularly for some fun and fellowship.

If you feel like coming along please give us a call. Go on you’ll have a LAFF.

For more info please contact: Karen Creswell 862477 or see our Facebook page for updates

Men's Fellowship

Men's Fellowship

Come and join us on the first Saturday of each month in the Pathway Centre.

Meetings start at 8.30am with coffee and bacon rolls followed by a talk and discussion from either one of the group or an invited guest.
All meetings are informal, relaxed and are finished by 10AM.

All men are welcome, so please join us at our next meeting (Don’t want to run out of bacon rolls so give us a call and let us know you are coming).

John Gordon Tel: 01651 862025 


New Machar Parish Church
16 School Road, Newmachar, Aberdeenshire, AB21 0WB


Phone: 01651 869375
Mobile: 07434686851


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