Our services are currently led by our Team Ministry the elements of which are summarised below together with the Team Leaders who can be contacted through the Church Administrator
To put hands and feet on to our Christian commitment by reaching out to members and non-members in practical ways with the love of God.
Ministry Team Leader - Hilary Andrew and Ann Innes
To enable and encourage regular attenders to exalt and magnify God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, through expressing their love and devotion to him through, for example, song, music, prayer, drama, dance and Holy Spirit-inspired preaching of the Word of God, the Bible.
Worship Team Leaders - Sandra Nicolson & Heather Gordon
The Band led the worship for a wonderful evening of fellowship for our recent Cafe Church evening in November
To encourage members to develop Christian relationships with each other. Enabling them to feel part of the family of God that offers support to its members.
Team Leaders - Lynn McLean
To reach out to people in the parish and community who do not attend church, seeking to evangelise them and showing them that they are important to God, and to us, thus drawing them into the periphery of the fellowship.
Team Leaders - Karen Creswell
To build up members in their faith through Bible study, prayer and service thus increasing their commitment. Teaching them Christian principles to live by thus giving them a foundation for their lives, and encouraging them to become stable, mature members of the congregation.
Team Leaders - Sheila Main, Isobel Wood, Lewis Taylor, John Gordon
Prayer and Praise Sheet
Offers weekly prayer suggestions for events within the Church and community.
Prayer Meetings
Tuesdays 7 - 8 pm
We prayerfully invite you to come to this one hour meeting to either sit quietly in silent prayer or join others in prayer. "When a believing person prays great things happen”. (James 5 v.16b)
Lending Library
A selection of Christian Books (fiction and non fiction), DVDs and CDs for adults and children can be found in the Fellowship Area. Please sign ‘out’ the items you wish to borrow – return them in your own time – remembering to sign them ‘back in’.
Telephone Prayer Circle
Your prayer requests and prayers of thanksgiving are given in strict confidence to the members of the prayer teams. No request is too small. Prayer cards are available at the end of the pews and can be placed in the wooden prayer box in the Fellowship Area, or telephone your requests to Bill Campbell (Session Clerk 862816).
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